Heal Your Mind

We offer services that support emotional well-being and mental health.

Counselling Session

We provides counselling services for emotional wellness including children counselling, couple counselling and corporate counselling

Stress Management

Our team of Experts and Life coaches will support to reduce your stress, depression, and explore stress management programs best suited for you.

Podcast Session

We organize motivational podcast sessions involving real stories , case studies and  interview with industry experts.

“ A Disciplined Mind Brings Happiness.”
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Health Coach
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A team of psychologists, counsellors, and professionals from health and wellness industry.

At Health Jivaka, we offer a variety of mental wellbeing services to provide a solutions for whatever your mental health needs may be. From relationship difficulties with your partner, to issues of depression or anxiety that you may be feeling acutely, we can help you at Health Jivaka.
World Renowned Experts Team
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Mental Health Awareness

It has become our mission to educate people about mental health and advocate for their treatment

In today's world, more and more people are being affected by mental health issues. These issues can range from a general sense of sadness or hopelessness to thoughts of suicide. It is important to keep in mind that mental health is often a temporary state and many times symptoms will go away soon enough.


Our services are geared toward promoting physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

Heal your mind with Health Jivaka

Mental Health

Well-being program


Energy Healing


Counselling program

We offer counselling to help you feel better.

Depression Test

Talk to Mentor

Kids Talk

Podcast sessions

Sound Healing

Counselling program

Facts & Figures

Did you know that the surprising facts about mental health and emotional wellness ?

Nearly 50 percent of mental health problems begin by the age of 14.
Children who are experiencing mental health issues have not received timely interventions at a sufficiently early age.

Connect with us

How often do we face stress and pressure in our lives? Some of us more than others, but it happens to all of us.

This is when you need help and support and it is difficult to ask for help. Here we provide people with the skills and experience to discuss their mental health with anyone who is willing to listen.

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    upcoming events

    Learn from the our experts experience.

    Insights & Updates

    Health Jivaka's recent blogs and articles

    Understand Emotional Wellness and Mental Health

    Understand Emotional Wellness and Mental Health

    Introduction In today's world, more and more people are being affected by mental health issues. These issues can range from a general sense of sadness or hopelessness to thoughts of…
    Emotional Wellness & Techniques to Transform

    Emotional Wellness & Techniques to Transform

    Emotional health is one element of mental health. It is your capacity to manage both positive as well as adverse feelings, which includes your recognition of them. Lots of people believe that…